Well, this weekend has been SUPER BUSY! We had our 1st baby shower on Sunday and it went great. We got tons of stuff and we still have one more baby shower to go. I will post pictures of the baby shower later. Matt has my camera right now. He went to see Paisley tonight. Unfortunately, I didn't get to go because I am not feeling that great and have a little bit of a fever. I feel like a bad mommy, but I would hate to take something in one her and set her back from coming home. We are so ready to get her home that I just didn't want to take any chances. Anyway... So an update on little Miss Paisley. She is doing great other than still having the brady's. She has had 2 today. She now weighs 5 lbs. 8 oz. She is getting so chunky. Oh and Friday our FAVORITE nurse Robin called me and she said "I've got Paisley!" I was so excited when she told me because she hasn't had Paisley in a while and we LOVE her. She is soooo good with Paisley and she always has her dressed up so cute! She also told me that she had Paisley in a swing and that she loved it. Robin took some pictures of Paisley and made a scrapbook page out of them. It was the cutest thing. It has 4 pictures on it and the 1st one is Paisley kind of looking around with her hand up and under the picture it says "Where did Luke go?"
***This is Paisley's boyfriend, Luke***
***What a cute couple***
There were 3 more pictures and one said "High Five", another one said "I'm 2 months old." And the other said "5 lbs. 6.4 oz." It looked so cute... Anyway! Today the doctors are starting to put Sodium in Paisley's milk. I'm not really sure what it is for, but Matt is supposed to find out tonight. So overall she is doing great. I will post again with more updates after I talk to Matt. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Omg you better not think like that! U are not bad mommy! I know what your talking about though bc im bad sick too and Keith want let me even hold Brookelyn-Grace. Omg I am so glad that she is doing good! I cant wait for her to come home! She is BEAUTIFUL! I still dont know exactly who she looks like, but she is getting chucky! She is adorable! Im so happy for yall!! We are still praying for you girlie! LOVE THE TOLBERTS!!!!
he is :) i sure will...well just let me know and i will for sure make her some bows..i can put them on the band so she can wear them when she comes home :) do u think she will be home for christmas??? i hope!!! :) im about to start making bgt some cute christmas outfits so if miss paisley is able to come home christmas i will for sure make her one too!!! :)
How exciting! She is getting sooo big Morgan! Any you ARE NOT a bad mommy! You are a good mommy b/c you have the foresight to know that it isn't good if she or anyone else gets sick! Don't stress too bad over the brady's...hopefully the docs will get her on some medicine soon. Also, have you discussed the option of having her on a monitor when she comes home? She is so very beautiful Morgan! I really do miss talking to you and Matt on a regular basis. I'm just at home everyday watching lil' man sleep. Eat, sleep, poop, cry....that's just about it. I think I'm coming down with something. I'm congested and coughing and I am very scared about getting him sick! I was thinking about when Paisley was in isolation and you said that they say boogers in her nose....well, I have been sucking them out like crazy from Luke's nose and now I a paranoid that he might have a cold! I will be at the hospital tomorrow for an interview w/ Brenda LaDunn about the Footprints Ministry. It's at 2 o'clock but I will probably be there a little earlier. You gonna be around? Keep your cell phone on and I will call you! Love ya girl! Kiss that baby for me! She WILL be HOME SOON!!!
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