Monday, November 24, 2008

Countdown...Day 2!!!

So today Paisley's nurse, Sally called me and told me that they started her on Reglan and Zantac for her reflux. She also told me that she is on Day 2 of her countdown. The babies have to go through an 8 day countdown without having any Brady's or De-Sats before they can come home. So we are hoping and praying that she gets all the way through the countdown. We aren't really getting our hopes up because most babies have to restart their countdown at least once before they actually get through it. Sally also told me that I could start trying to breastfeed now, so I am going to try that in the morning. So wish me luck! Kinda nervous about that too. Sally did tell me that Paisley would be coming home on a monitor and to not let it scare us because a lot of babies do. So if all goes well then we will be bringing our little Princess Paisley home on Sunday. Everybody say a little prayer for her! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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