Thursday, November 27, 2008
Countdown... Incomplete!!! =(
So today around 3:30 a.m. Paisley had a brady! =( I called the nurse around 10 a.m to check on her and she informed me that Paisley did have a brady and she said that she wasn't sure if Dr. Bruce would start Paisley's countdown over or if he would just go ahead and let her come home since she will be on a monitor when she comes home. So when Dr. Bruce came around he called me and told me that he wanted to stop her countdown and give her 2 blood transfusions since she had the brady and that he wanted to watch her a little bit longer. He told me that if Dr. Bierd was in agreement with him then she would just have to go through a 5 day countdown and he said that maybe she would be coming home on Wednesday, so it might be next week, but if Paisley isn't ready to come home then it will be longer. We just want her to be ready! We went to see her after we ate lunch and she looked so pitiful with the IV in her head. It would just break your heart. So thats all the news so far. We hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Countdown... Day 3!!!
We are on day 3 and Paisley still seems to be doing great! She hasn't had any brady's or de-sats, so we are keeping our fingers crossed. I was supposed to go and they to breastfeed her this morning but when I woke up I was running a fever and I called Sally, Paisley's nurse and she said not to come until tomorrow. So hopefully I won't have a fever in the morning and I will get to go try to breastfeed in the morning. I just hope she does good with it. Paisley now weighs 6 lbs. 2 oz. and she had our favorite nurse tonight... Robin... Of course the night that I can't go is the night that Paisley gets her!!!! Well I hope everyone is having a great week so far!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Countdown...Day 2!!!
So today Paisley's nurse, Sally called me and told me that they started her on Reglan and Zantac for her reflux. She also told me that she is on Day 2 of her countdown. The babies have to go through an 8 day countdown without having any Brady's or De-Sats before they can come home. So we are hoping and praying that she gets all the way through the countdown. We aren't really getting our hopes up because most babies have to restart their countdown at least once before they actually get through it. Sally also told me that I could start trying to breastfeed now, so I am going to try that in the morning. So wish me luck! Kinda nervous about that too. Sally did tell me that Paisley would be coming home on a monitor and to not let it scare us because a lot of babies do. So if all goes well then we will be bringing our little Princess Paisley home on Sunday. Everybody say a little prayer for her! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Still Waiting!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Another Reflux Test...
I just got home from seeing my princess about 30 minutes ago and she was so precious. Wide awake just looking at everything. I just talked to Darlene, Paisley's nurse and they started another reflux test around 2:00 p.m. This test is a lot different than the first one. The first test they did was an upper GI and they just fed her some barium and then put her under a little x-ray machine and looked to see how well the food traveled and stayed in the stomach. She has Grade 3 and Grade 4 is the worst. The test that they started today is a PH probe. This test is done by putting a thin tube with a sensor through her nose and into the esophagus. This measures the level of acid. The test will last a full 24 hours so hopefully we will know something tomorrow after the doctor looks over her charts from the test. We are so ready to find out exactly what needs to be done to get this reflux under control so that we can get her home. All the nurses say that her reflux is more than likely the reason she is still having the Brady's and that when she gets on medicine then they should stop all together. So that is what we are hoping and praying for. I was talking to the nurse last night and she said that all babies with Grade 4 reflux go home on monitors and most babies with Grade 3 reflux go home on monitors also. So we are looking at maybe having to bring her home on a monitor. In a way it is kind of scary to think that she is going to have to maybe be on a monitor at home, but then again it could be better her being on a monitor because if she wasn't on a monitor then we would worry all the time. Only time will tell! We are just ready to have her home, but we want her to be healthy before she gets home. Last night I got to feed her and she did great. NO BRADY'S OR DESATS! Her nurse had already bathed and weighed her and she weighed 5 lbs. 14 oz. She is getting so big. I know to most people they are like "ok thats not really that much" but when you started out at 2 lbs 4 oz. then went down to 1 lb. 13 oz. its more that what you would think. It is so amazing! She looks like a totally different baby now from when she was born. So everybody just pray that the doctors can get the reflux under control and that she can start her countdown soon so we can get her home at least before Christmas. We are ready to be out of the NICU!!!!
*Paisley giving Nana kisses*

*Paisley giving Nana kisses*
*Nonnie holding Paisley for the 1st time*
Monday, November 17, 2008
Not feeling too great! =(
Well, this weekend has been SUPER BUSY! We had our 1st baby shower on Sunday and it went great. We got tons of stuff and we still have one more baby shower to go. I will post pictures of the baby shower later. Matt has my camera right now. He went to see Paisley tonight. Unfortunately, I didn't get to go because I am not feeling that great and have a little bit of a fever. I feel like a bad mommy, but I would hate to take something in one her and set her back from coming home. We are so ready to get her home that I just didn't want to take any chances. Anyway... So an update on little Miss Paisley. She is doing great other than still having the brady's. She has had 2 today. She now weighs 5 lbs. 8 oz. She is getting so chunky. Oh and Friday our FAVORITE nurse Robin called me and she said "I've got Paisley!" I was so excited when she told me because she hasn't had Paisley in a while and we LOVE her. She is soooo good with Paisley and she always has her dressed up so cute! She also told me that she had Paisley in a swing and that she loved it. Robin took some pictures of Paisley and made a scrapbook page out of them. It was the cutest thing. It has 4 pictures on it and the 1st one is Paisley kind of looking around with her hand up and under the picture it says "Where did Luke go?"
***This is Paisley's boyfriend, Luke***
***What a cute couple***
There were 3 more pictures and one said "High Five", another one said "I'm 2 months old." And the other said "5 lbs. 6.4 oz." It looked so cute... Anyway! Today the doctors are starting to put Sodium in Paisley's milk. I'm not really sure what it is for, but Matt is supposed to find out tonight. So overall she is doing great. I will post again with more updates after I talk to Matt. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
No Bradys!!!
YAY!!! Paisley didn't have any brady's tonight. A brady is where her heart rate drops to like 70 and her oxygen level drops. The past few times that I fed her she has had at least one brady on me and actually turned a dusky, grey color. Yea, pretty scary. That is not a good color for a baby. The good news is that tonight she didn't have one and she ate GREAT for me. I also got to give her a bath which really made me feel like a mommy. She got a shot tonight and it was so sad, but she actually did really good with it. I guess she is just so used to getting stuck all the time that it doesn't really bother her anymore. She weighed 5 lbs 4.5 oz. tonight. She is getting to be a chunky butt. If she would just stop having the bradys then we would get to bring her home, but of course we don't want her to come home while she is having bradys, so as long as she is healthy and doing great when she comes home, then she can stay in there as long as she needs to. I'll post some more pictures later. She is getting so chubby. She has came a long way since she was born and we are so proud of her. She is our little fighter!!!
Blogging is kind of HARD!!!
Ok, so I wish I would have started this sooner, preferrably the beginning of my pregnancy, but I just recently found out about it.
So I will just start off with a little about me. I'm Morgan and I have a wonderful husband, Matt and we just had out 1 year anninversay on October 13, 2008. We have a beautiful daughter, Paisley. She was born 11 weeks early on September 12th 2008 at 9:12 a.m. She weighed 2 lbs. 4 oz. and she is now up to 5 lbs. 4 oz. She is still in NICU at St. Vincents and is getting better everyday. I will tell the whole story of my Princess Paisley when I have more time on my hands, but with the way things are looking now, I am not sure when that will be.
I mainly wanted to start blogging because of an AMAZING family that Matt and I met in the NICU, Rhonda, Tom and Luke. Luke is Paisley's boyfriend. Luke was born 2 weeks after Paisley and 10 weeks early. He got to go home November 12th. I am so excited for Rhonda that Luke finally got to go home. I know that she is so ready to feel like a mommy all the time and not just a few hours out of the day, but I do have to say that it isn't going to be the same without them. Matt and I would always go and visit Luke and keep up with his progress when we went to see Paisley. We made friends with Rhonda and Tom and they have to be the sweetest people we have ever met. We are so blessed to have met them.
So I will just start off with a little about me. I'm Morgan and I have a wonderful husband, Matt and we just had out 1 year anninversay on October 13, 2008. We have a beautiful daughter, Paisley. She was born 11 weeks early on September 12th 2008 at 9:12 a.m. She weighed 2 lbs. 4 oz. and she is now up to 5 lbs. 4 oz. She is still in NICU at St. Vincents and is getting better everyday. I will tell the whole story of my Princess Paisley when I have more time on my hands, but with the way things are looking now, I am not sure when that will be.
I mainly wanted to start blogging because of an AMAZING family that Matt and I met in the NICU, Rhonda, Tom and Luke. Luke is Paisley's boyfriend. Luke was born 2 weeks after Paisley and 10 weeks early. He got to go home November 12th. I am so excited for Rhonda that Luke finally got to go home. I know that she is so ready to feel like a mommy all the time and not just a few hours out of the day, but I do have to say that it isn't going to be the same without them. Matt and I would always go and visit Luke and keep up with his progress when we went to see Paisley. We made friends with Rhonda and Tom and they have to be the sweetest people we have ever met. We are so blessed to have met them.
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